location : Home > Construction training > Strengthen the sense of service, improve the service quality of Heshun Ancient Town to create a national 5A tourist scenic spot
Strengthen the sense of service, improve the service quality of Heshun Ancient Town to create a national 5A tourist scenic spot

    In order to further carry out the inspection and acceptance work of Heshun Ancient Town to create A national 5A tourism scenic spot, on September 29, the leading group office of Heshun Ancient Town to create a national 5A tourism scenic spot conducted business training for some member units of the establishment leading group, taxis, buses, Heshun catering enterprises, Heshun star residential hotel inns, Heshun and Qingshui rural passenger vehicles representatives, and hotels above three-star star hotels in the city.

    At the training meeting, for the creation of the national 5A-class tourism scenery work in Heshun Town, the creation of the office carried out a comprehensive introduction, and shared the practical problems that will be encountered in the inspection work. For the vast number of people, merchants, buses, taxis, rural passenger transport, star-rated hotels and guesthouses and other different industries of staff carried out detailed business guidance, issued various types of promotional materials more than 4000 volumes. The meeting called on all responsible units to work closely together, coordinate operations, act quickly and carry out the tasks they undertake well.

    In addition, Heshun Bolian company invited third-party guidance institutions to conduct business training for all employees. Heshun town issued publicity materials and business training to residents and merchants within its jurisdiction.

    Through various channels to carry out business training and extensive publicity, to increase the understanding and support of all walks of life for Heshun Ancient Town to create a national 5A scenic spot. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone to participate in the creation of activities, in order to form a strong working force, and ensure that Heshun Ancient Town to create a national 5A tourist scenic spot through the acceptance.

    Questions and Answers on Knowledge of Creating National 5A Tourist Attractions in Heshun Ancient Town

    1.What creation activities are being carried out in Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot?

    Answer: Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot is creating a national 5A tourist attraction.

    2.What is a 5A scenic spot?

    Answer: 5A is the highest level of tourism scenic spots in China, representing the world-class quality tourism scenic spots in China.

    3.When was the creation of 5A started in Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot?

    A: In 2018, Heshun started to create a national 5A-level scenic spot. On December 9, 2020, Heshun passed the landscape quality assessment of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, and entered the period of establishment and promotion of 5A tourist attractions.

    4.Is the scenic spot of Heshun Ancient Town closed?

    Answer: Heshun Ancient Town scenic area belongs to open scenic area. In order to meet the requirements of the establishment of 5A scenic spots, the diversion project of people and vehicles has been implemented here. Special lanes for sightseeing vehicles are set up in the core tourist area to realize pedestrians and vehicles going their own way and orderly traffic.

    5.What titles and honors does Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Area have?

    Answer: Heshun Ancient Town scenic spot has been awarded the titles of Chinese Charming Town, National Historical and cultural Town, national Beautiful Environment Town, national Cultural Industry Demonstration Base, national Advanced Tourism Collective and so on.

    6.What are the resource characteristics of Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot?

    Answer: Heshun Ancient Town scenic area has achieved the harmony between people, the harmony between man and nature, the harmony between humanity, the harmony between trade, the harmony between things and things, the harmony between people and things and so on. With rich cultural deposits, the central plains culture, southeast asian culture and western culture blend harmoniously here.

    7.What is the purpose of establishing 5A scenic spot in Heshun Ancient Town?

    Answer: Improve the infrastructure construction of Heshun and the service capacity and level of Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot. Let Heshun Ancient Town Scenic area becomes a competitive tourism boutique scenic area at home and abroad, so that more tourists to visit Heshun Ancient town scenic area drive the masses to increase income and get rich.

    8.How far is the Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot from the county town?

    Answer: Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot is 4km away from Tengchong urban area.

    9.Are there many parking spaces and toilets in Heshun Ancient Town?

    Answer: There are 7 parking lots in Heshun Ancient Town, with a total of 1,043 parking Spaces.There are 17 tourist toilets, a total of 231 positions. There are plenty of them.

    10.According to your knowledge, what has Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Spot done to create a national 5A scenic spot?

    Hardware: upgraded and transformed in accordance with the National Standard of 5A scenic spots, and has completed the basic service facilities such as visitor center, parking lot, tourist toilet, walking path, signage system and intelligent system.

    Software: Increase training and education for employees, residents and merchants; Improve the rules and regulations; Enrich the sightseeing activities of scenic spots; Perfect the construction of scenic area wisdom system; Improve the quality of our services.


    (Source: Tengchong Culture and Tourism Bureau)