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The Story of the Anti-Japanese War

    On September 14, 1944, Tengchong was recovered from the Japanese invaders. The War of Tengchong lasted 127 days, killing more than 6200 people, creating a brilliant example of the total annihilation of the defending enemy in the history of Chinese resistance. Tengchong became the first county to be recovered during the War.

    Expeditionary troops fighting in alleys during the battle to recover Tengchong


    Soldiers of the expeditionary force during the counter-attack in west Yunnan


    In the days of the recapture of Tengchong, in the Heshun Ancient Town , expeditionary troops were stationed in every household.Heshun Library was the headquarters of the 20th Group Army of the Expeditionary Force, where Huo Kuizhang directed the battle to recover Tengchong county.

    Commander-in-chief Huo Kuizhang crossed the river


    Huo Kuizhang took a photo in Heshun Library


    In the face of national hatred, this ancient town with profound traditional culture shows its due character.

    When France was occupied by Prussia in the 1870s, French writer Louis Daudet wrote his famous "The Last Lesson". In May 1942, the Chinese version of "The Last Lesson" was actually staged in Wenchang Palace in Heshun.

    On May 7, 1942, Tengchong was about to be captured by the Japanese aggressors. On May 8 Cun Shusheng (1896-1978), then the principal of Yiqun Middle School, gathered all the teachers and students at Wunchang Palace in Heshun and gave them a "final lesson."He said, "...You know all about the situation.I only hate that we have no strength to defend ourselves, that I cannot protect and lead you!...I hope you will not forget what I have said to you.You should temper your spirit in difficult circumstances and develop your strength in struggle!I believe, every Chinese people, is not willing to be slaves!..."

    Cun Shusheng was the first principal of Heshun Yiqun Middle School and vice principal of Yunnan University

    When he was a university professor in Japan, he was expelled from China for opposing Japan's invasion of China. When Tengchong was occupied by Japan, he taught "The Last Lesson" to his students, inspiring them to embark on the road of resistance against Japan.


    After the Anti-Japanese War, why is Heshun Ancient Town still intact? There is still a story about Commander Luo firing cannon to save Heshun, which may explain why.

    On May 12, 1944, the battle to recover Tengchong was about to begin.The invasion of tengsun armed with gasoline firewood to fire six hundred years of ancient town.At the critical moment, stationed in the eastern position of plantain pass expeditionary force, a battalion commander Luo Peng learned that the Japanese want to fire Heshun.He ordered the artillery to fire at the enemy, which frightened the Japanese who were preparing to burn Heshun back to the county.Hishun is saved!Luo later married a girl from Heshun and loved her until he was old.Since then, the 12th day of the 5th lunar month has been designated by heshun people as "Heshun Memorial Day".


    Wedding photos of Luo Peng and Cun Tianjing after the recapture of Tengchong


    In the Yunnan-Burma War of Resistance, the story of battlefield cheerleaders is also related to Heshun.

    Fang Cheng, a colonel in the 20th Group Army of the expeditionary Force, wrote about the performance of the Heshun people in the Anti-Japanese War: "When our troops began to attack, men, women, children, town officials and people followed the troops in groups to watch the battle, as if they were going to see a play.

    The officers and men were in such high spirits that they hardly felt they were at war."




    Tengchong People Welcome Expeditionary Army


    The victory Monument in front of Wenchang Palace


    In 2005, the first private Yunnan-Burma Anti-Japanese War Museum was born in Heshun Ancient Town, which presented the history of the Yunnan-Burma Anti-Japanese War in front of people for the first time.The museum created a sensation, bringing more attention to Heshun and helping it earn the distinction of being one of China's most attractive towns.Whether in the fight against foreign aggression in those days, or in facing up to and emerging the history of Burma's Anti-Japanese War, Heshun has left its own figure.Today, 70 years ago the beacon fire smoke has dissipated, after the scorched earth war of Heshun Ancient Town is still beautiful.But when the tragic memory of blood will not be forgotten, should not be forgotten!Because only by facing the past and remembering it can we create and have a better future!